22 Facts That Are Scary And Mysterious

22 Happy Facts That Will Save You Are you one of those people who loves the dangerous side of life? Do you like the skull, the bones, and the horrors? Are you a fan of all awesome things?

1. Mickey Mouse

Did you know that there is a comic strip of old Mickey Mouse in which Minnie Mouse falls in love with another character, and then Mickey makes several ‘funny’ attempts to get out early? It is not the best message to be sent to the world. This debilitating my idea of ​​Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse, so I’ll just pretend I didn’t know this comedy existed.

2. The power of the bite

 It takes the same amount of pressure to bite your finger as a baby's carrot. I would NOT recommend checking this idea. If you have accidentally bitten your tongue or mouth while eating, you know how painful it can be. Now imagine how painful it can be to bite your finger. Are you out yet? Well, if you have not already done so, you will get out soon! Did you know that keyboards in the middle of the office are dirtier than your normal toilet? Stay tuned to find out how dirty the office keyboard is!

3. Carcass wax:

Did you know that some corpses do strange things, like wax? The substance is called adipose, and it is also known as corpse, grave, or mortuary wax. Waxy forms in carcasses found in areas with high humidity and low oxygen content (such as in wetlands, mud or under a lake).

4. Colgate dispute:

Believe it or not, Colgate (the toothbrush symbol) has gone through a lot of controversy in the past. In some of the Spanish dialects, especially in Argentine and European Spanish, the word 'colgate' literally translates into a phrase such as 'go hang yourself' depending on the pronunciation. Talk about bad marketing! Keep watching as you keep counting down to the first place that will take you out completely!

5. Choosing a haircut in North Korea:

Believe it or not, North Korea, among many other strict laws, citizens are forced to choose from 28 state-approved hair extensions. Well, let's hope the selection of these 28 hairstyles is at least a good decision. I mean there should be attractive styles, right?

6. Abracadabra:

This is for all of you who wish the witches are there. The word ‘Abracadabra’ means ‘I will create when I speak’ while ‘Avada Kedavra’ means ‘I will destroy when I speak.’ These words were used by witches to cast spells and ward off evil. This is an interesting and useless information to know.

 7. Guillotine:

The guillotine is best known for its use in France during the French Revolution. It was used to sentence a person to death by locking him in a machine and placing his neck under a razor. Believe it or not, the last guillotine used was in 1977, the same year Star Wars was first shown in theaters.

8. Dancing Disease of 1518:

The 1518 Dancing Plague, also known as the Dance Epidemic, took place when 400 people took to the streets and danced for weeks on end. After about one month of dancing, many people begin to die of a stroke, fatigue, or heart attack. One report says that at one point a dance disorder killed 15 people every day.

9. Disappearance of commercial airlines:

In the last 70 years, about 90 commercial aircraft have disappeared without a trace. That is more than one flight a year. It is hard to believe that airplanes could ever disappear like this one, given all the technological advances in the world. These cases are still a mystery.

10. Animals listed:

According to photographs taken by Nick Brandt published in National Geographic, there is a lake in Tanzania called Lake Natron that has such a high alkaline content (almost the same as ammonia) that when animals enter the water they are converted into calculated images. Nick Brandt, a photographer who took photographs of the listed creatures, says: “Soda and salt cause the creatures to count, to be completely preserved, as they are dry.

11. Inflammatory headache:

There is a condition called exploding head syndrome, also known as episodic cranial sensory shock, in which a person may feel a sharp burst in his head while sleeping or waking up. The disease is a hypothetical phenomenon, but scientists cannot determine the cause or mechanism of the disease.

12. Mysterious Signal:

In 1977, Ohio State University's Big Ear telescope took a 72-second signal. It came from the Sagittarius constellation. Because the astronomer was so impressed inside, he wrote the word ‘Oops!’ Which eventually became a signal name. To this day we are not sure what it was.

 13. Denver International Airport:

There are a lot of scary things around Denver International Airport including the idea that it was an Illuminati hideout. There is also a large statue of a nearby horse called the 'Blue Mustang' which is often called a demon horse with its blue glow. The first artist is crushed and killed when a statue falls on him. 

14. The mysterious skeletal structure remains:

According to Wikipedia, a six-inch-long [6 cm] skeleton was once found near the desert city of Chile. It looks like a man with ten ribs and a crippled head. One theory suggests that this was the skeletal structure of the premature fetus, and other theories suggest that this is the result of some form of malnutrition.

15. Digestion of reptiles:

The following fact is slightly disturbing and ugly. Believe it or not, there are types of bacteria in your stomach that you use to digest food, but after you die those germs will digest you. Well, my sleep lasts a whole week.

16. Death by laughter:

Did you know that it is possible to die with a lot of laughter? At least 10 died with laughter. It usually happens when laughter causes some form of cardiac arrest or inspiration, according to Wikipedia. So I think they are lying when they tell us as children that laughter is the best medicine. The mind is beating.

17. Cotard's trick:

A rare form of mental illness called cotard delusion is present, and a person affected by this disorder believes that he or she has died or lost his or her blood and / or internal organs. A person suffering from an illness often denies that he exists and suffers from severe depression.

18. Eyebrow worms:

Did you know that there are tiny insects that live on your face and eat your dead skin? Bedbugs are called Demodex, and they are tiny insects that live in or near our hair. There are two types of Demodex that live in humans, and both types are often called "eyelash worms".

19. Blood lizards:

Bloodthirsty lizards exist! They are called horned lizards, and they actually have a blood-sucking machine that draws blood out of their eyes. Blood squirting protects the horned lizard from attack. The undergrowth of a lizard's eye is inflamed with blood, and because of its high pressure, the lizard releases blood that can travel up to 20 feet [6 m].

20. Suicide Forest:

The Aokigahara Forest, also known as the Suicide Forest, is located in Japan and is a popular tourist destination. The forest is known as one of the world's most suicidal places. There are even signs found at various points along the way in the forest that encourage suicidal people to rethink their decision and to contact suicide prevention phone calls.

21. Bacteria in our mouths:

Did you know that there may be more germs in your mouth than people on earth? "In one month, the number of viruses could easily exceed the number of people living on Earth," said Sigmund Socransky, an assistant professor of period-ontology at Harvard. That's something I would go without knowing.

22. Dead skin cells:

Humans lose about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells every minute. If you do the math, that would add up to 50 million skin cells every day. According to scientists, by the time a person reaches adulthood, he or she will have lost nearly 37 billion cells. Now that you know some of the most amazing facts on this planet, here's one last and disturbing fact about how dirty some office keyboards are! Side note! If you work in an office, you will not like the following interesting fact. According to research, some keyboards in offices are dirty than toilets (yes you read that). A study conducted by the University of Arizona found that the keyboard in the middle of the office has 400 times more germs than the toilet seat in your office.

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