Strange Things Found Trapped in Ice

Every day we learn new things about our earth new fossils are discovered new stories that change our view of history or science over the years scientists have discovered many things stored in ice in the glaciers of the earth many of which are furry creatures. but some are weird and really weird,there are mysterious, terrifying, and unbelievable things to be found trapped in the snow and as a result of global warming we are rediscovering many of them. Here we will take a look at 10 of the most amazing and strange things to be found trapped in the snow.

1.Children of Lulia Locko

In 1999 three bodies were found at the lulia locko stratovolcano conference on the Argentine border in Chile one body of a girl and two others children believed to be about six years old and seven children sacrificed at an inca religious ceremony. It is believed that in the year 1500 these so-called luliaco children could be chosen Sacrifices based on their beauty or when their parents donated it were usually done to ensure a rich harvest under biological analysis. and alcohol that may be given to seduction transformed conditions related to sanctity probably worked at a practical level and to silence young children before placing them at 15 feet underground and leaving them to die freezing temperatures in dry air was probably what helped keep their bodies so well it was so painful you know. why not look at something cool now.

2. Otsy Man

 An Otsy man also known as the iceman is said to be one of the most famous snow founders at the age of 5,300 and is fascinated with ancestral genetics. Many people in Austria This well-preserved corpse was found in the otzol alps between Austria and Italy which is why her name is a well-known old European mother and given insight into the copper age here is something cool scientists have found a total of 61 tattoos on the body his that's right this is probably the first proof we have tattoos.At first the scientists believed that it had a spiritual meaning or cultural significance but later discovered that it had a medicinal purpose, we have told you some amazing facts but some very surprising facts that the otsi man had contracted many diseases worms and had a heart and heart. the veins between everything that was most painful were the gall bladder Stones osteochondrosis and joint dislocations and six divas tattoos marked areas where he had severe degeneration is a rare sight to understand the reasons for tattooing in the bronze years he also had an arrow on his shoulder when he was found and appeared to have died of scalp hmm I wonder who was upset.

3. Mammoth Brain

One of the strangest features found on the ice is the brain of a huge furry animal whose buried body is a 39,000-year-old woolly mammoth was found in Russia in 2010. The mummy mammoth is well kept and housed in an ice shelf 93 miles away but has been moving ever since and now is being shown in Moscow. short life cycle is probably why you got it in the first place almost immediately they were able to locate the cerebellum behind the brain and also saw the white and gray color of the cerebellum the forebrain was in a very bad condition when they pierced the skull of the animal and saw that it was there. they were still soft tissues while this is the first solid mammoth brain is by no means the first frost. A mammal that will be discovered by two female mammoths discovered in 2007 and 2009 compared to two scientists found differences in the formation of their bones that could not mean evolutionary change.

4. 25 Million old lake

By the life of 2012 Russian scientists drilled more than two miles of ice in the Antarctic ice sheet and found vostok the largest lake in the ice-free continent and yes we know how it sounds like something that should not exist and not ice over what amazing scientists they have found external life or at least something similar they have found viruses that are not at all the same as we are used to but some say it is because the excavation fluid contaminated the samples the same group went back in 2015 to repeat the world of science. they were convinced that there was something strange about the germs they were looking for in order to prove the disease and found another mysterious bacterium and it was not over yet. I think they really wanted a plague so they went back in 2016 and found another lake buried under the Antarctic ice divided in the same way as the vostok lake and with life-saving power, no good can come from this keep those things buried in the ice.

5. Ten thousand mountains

Antarctica may have seemed almost unbearable until you could feel the blood rushing and the ice sheets covering most of the country made the area look cold and flat but buried under 100 miles [100 km] of snow in a 100-year-old mountain range. In the early 2000s researchers spent time flying over an area of ​​74,000 miles with ground radar to collect data and mapping mountains that the range looks like alps and could be made of a billion-year-old rock that rose to peaks between 250 and 2 million years. 100 years ago to include that the idea is that dinosaurs still roam the earth in terms of age should be like Appalachians due to erosion but these look younger than before and their erosion ceases when the continents are large enough no one has to look at the mountain deep valleys and cliffs are still heavily covered in snow but if Antarctica never melts the Gambertv Mountains as they were called would be the highest peaks on the continent before we explored the most fascinating object ever found hidden in the snow.

6. Waterfalls

suffice it to say that we do not know what is happening in Antarctica we hear about the expeditions the other labs set up by researchers are talking about but in fact there is so much we can know about the whole continent sitting on the south pole one of the strangest. in this place there is a red stream of blood flowing in the blood crossing a layer of ice no it is not really blood it is just metal rich waters are a similar feature that gives mars its reddish color found in the arid valleys of Mcmurdo in Antarctica waterfalls from taylor glacier fluid from the ice crevices scientists were not sure where the metal came from in the long run but thought under the ice revealed a complex network sub-rivers and lakes full of water are rich in iron. This makeup also explains why the water is not cold but flowing. It looks demonic but is actually the result of geology, oceanography and beautiful ancient glaciology.

7. Siberian Ice Maiden

Also called the uukoc princess, the Siberian ice main is the mother of a 5th century bc and was discovered in 1993 in the ukok plains near the Chinese border. of the pazera culture that flourished between the 6th and 2nd centuries BC the remains were found undisturbed in an underground burial chamber and were transferred to a museum recently.

After some research the researchers said she was 20 to 30 years old at the time of her death and they suggested breast cancer associated with injuries due to falls as the cause of her death but here is interesting they found tattoos on her and the princess had tattoos covering her. arms representing mythical animals such as deer and panthers found the remains of two heroes next to him and they also had the same marks it is possible that these tattoos are a symbol of status not only in our world but also in the world of the past.

8.four Frozen ice age Puppies

Hunters who wanted big teeth were drawn to the riverbank when they saw an ice age puppy emerge from under the hot snow on its skin. Scientists understand and refine their concept of ice age dogs and the origin of pet dogs Scientists say that the animal was about 12,460 years old and that previous studies showed that the puppies had been slaughtered and burned which may point to human intervention in one of the puppy's stomachs they found branches and grass so they were probably not predators or they started eating grass when they started to starve already there is still a lot to be said about these puppies but to get something. rare and delicate as the ice age chicks are a success in itself.

9. Frozen bear and lamb

Russian scientists found the 39-year-old bear and its lamb on the ice wall well preserved so far that only cave bear bones have been found to allow permafrost to keep its tissues soft and strong over the years and scientists hope to find the dead animal's dna could be rival the extinction de-tinction we do not know yet the cave bears were prehistoric species commonly found in eurasia about three hundred to fifteen thousand years ago to find a well-preserved bear carcass with all its internal organs definitely a coincidence.

10. Ancient Bacteria

There are certain types of frozen bacteria that are not dangerous to us but there are some deadly ones that are sometimes in the bodies of dead animals like these deer in 2016 due to global warming.The corpse of decades-old deer began to melt, resulting in the death of 1,200 deer in the vicinity and then to the 15,000 villagers in the area sometimes the germs survive and survive on their own. it is not developed insecurity because it is too old which means the earth is too hot.

Most of the ice will melt and cause these years of disease to be trapped and released into the world and that is reason enough to worry about climate change.

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